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Offshore energy

We have a market leading team across key jurisdictions including the UK, UAE, South Korea, China and Singapore. From those locations our team have advised on offshore projects worldwide. Our team are able to advise on English, UAE, Chinese and, through our Singapore Alliance partner Virtus Law LLP, Singaporean law.

Meet the team

Global reach

From our offices in the UK, China, Dubai, Paris, Singapore and South Korea, we have extensive experience in offshore oil and gas projects and resolving international disputes. 


United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Acting for a shipyard in a dispute arising out of the construction of two ultra deepwater drill ships for a US contractor, involving a claim of approximately US$220 million and a counterclaim for the costs of completing the second vessel.  The dispute, in which we were successful in the Court of Appeal, also involved the design responsibilities of the parties under the construction contract.

Negotiating contracts for construction of two sixth-generation drilling units, including acquisition of hulls & OFE, and completion at UK facility.

Acting on behalf of Norwegian drilling contractor in successful claim before English High Court in dispute concerning repeated wash-outs caused by down-hole conditions.

Advised in relation to the design, construction and sale of a series of four semi-submersible drilling rigs; and represented in an arbitration, in which the client claimed liquidated damages of US$179 million alongside a request for repayment of damages of US$22 million.

Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.



Negotiating terms of 5 year charter of US$700 million newbuild drilling unit on behalf of drilling contractor, together with drilling services management contract.

Advice and support on various issues to Owner of a 6th generation drillship built for operation in Brazil, including advice on termination and assignment (2014-2016).



Successful claim in London arbitration for unpaid hire and repair costs relating to operation of drilling-rig offshore India on behalf of US drilling contractor. 



Representing a leading offshore contractor in a claim in London arbitration for an indemnity for costs incurred in relation to the construction of an FPSO resulting from changes in specification during construction.  The indemnity claim was for approximately US$150 million. 

Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).

Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work). 



Representing a shipyard in respect of warranty claims in relation to a series of semi-submersible drilling vessels of CVA 7500 designs, the ultimate result was that many of the warranty claims were withdrawn and the builder enforced its contractual limitations of liability.

Arbitration in London concerning schedule delay and disruption costs on an offshore construction project for an oil production platform.  The shipyard received an additional payment of US$50 million.

Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).  

Secondment to major Korean shipyard offshore department in 2015 (5 weeks).



Resolving a dispute over the modification of an existing FPSO and the delayed commencement of operations offshore Nigeria due to defective production equipment.



Advising successful contractor in High Court litigation concerning technical obstacles encountered during conversion of VLCCS for use in floating production operations offshore Brazil.

Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100 million+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.

Advising a leading SURF contractor on a high value dispute under an EPIC contract due to the late delivery and therefore hook-up of an FPSO. 

Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

Negotiating detailed EPIC contract terms (including advising on issues such as step-in rights, termination provisions, warranty provisions, limitations on liability and knock-for-knock clauses, design responsibility, transfer of title, subcontracting and ECAs).

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Charter negotiations
Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

FPSO disputes
Resolving disputes relating to the operation of FPSOs including disputes concerning acceptance tests, production targets, produced oil quality, off-spec well fluids, loss of production due to shut in, reduced production due to off-take tanker delay and charter termination. 

Advising FPSO Contractor on its position facing Charterer in respect of a North Sea heavy oil project delayed by several years, including advising on Acceptance criteria, off-spec hydrocarbons and variation rights, Production Targets and hire adjustment, off-spec production issues and liquidated damages.

Represented client in two LCIA arbitrations arising out of a construction contract of a Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Vessel including warranty matters (i.e. post-construction defects). The dispute were against one of the world’s largest shipbuilders, the contract price being over US$700 million.

FPSO delivery
Assisting in respect of various contractual issues arising from the late delivery of a newbuild FPSO.

FPSO hire dispute
Assisting in relation to a high-value dispute between an oil and gas contractor and operator in respect of the interpretation of a daily base hire payment mechanism.



Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

Resolving disputes relating to the operation of FPSOs including disputes concerning acceptance tests, production targets, produced oil quality, off-spec well fluids, loss of production due to shut in, reduced production due to off-take tanker delay and charter termination. 

Resolving disputes concerning modification of FPSOs to meet relocation requirements including transfer from UK to Brazil and Nigeria, transfer between locations in West Africa, relocating from UK to Asia and operations in Norwegian waters.

Managing claims and disputes concerning numerous FPSO new build projects including disputes concerning provision of inadequate reservoir and metocean data, errors and omission in FEED, major variations, delay and disruption to completion schedule, compliance with oil state inspection requirements, termination due to late completion, liquidated damages for delay, disputes concerning installation and location readiness, cost of rectification of defects on location, rectification of defects during production, and termination, including the largest  FPSO dispute.

Negotiating various contracts for design, construction and installation of new build FPSOs including various projects offshore Australia, in the UK and Norwegian sectors, as for installation in West Africa and Brazil.

Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100 million+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.

Representing FPSO Contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation (2017-2018).

Advising a SURF contractor on a claim arising from a delayed FPSO project.

Advising on a claim in relation to a FPSO hull when extensive fatigue damage was identified early in the field life.

Advising a SURF contractor on substantial claims arising from the late delivery and hook up of the FPSO.

Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

Assisting in relation to a major dispute between an oil and gas contractor and a shipyard concerning a refitting contract, covering all aspects of the refitting project.

Representing a subsea contractor in bringing multiple delay and disruption claims in excess of US$100 million on the first FPSO development in Brazilian waters. After lengthy investigation and compilation of supporting evidence, established that contractors losses arose largely from the oil company's errors in project management thus the delay was beyond the contractor's control.



Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

Resolving disputes relating to the operation of FPSOs including disputes concerning acceptance tests, production targets, produced oil quality, off-spec well fluids, loss of production due to shut in, reduced production due to off-take tanker delay and charter termination. 

Resolving disputes concerning modification of FPSOs to meet relocation requirements including transfer from UK to Brazil and Nigeria, transfer between locations in West Africa, relocating from UK to Asia and operations in Norwegian waters.

Advice to FPU Contractor on termination of charter and transfer of O&M obligations following oil company insolvency (2015-2016); subsequent dispute concerning termination of O&M contract (2018-present).

Advising on a dispute relating to the underperformance of a FPSO contractor under a operating contract.

Advising on the renegotiation of the terms and conditions of a contract for the lease and operation of an FPSO.



Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.



Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.

Represented a drilling contractor against an oil and gas company in a LCIA arbitration in relation to whether demobilisation could be undertaken during the term of the contract, and if so, what demobilisation fees and early termination fees were applicable.

Advising on the EPIC contract for a compliant tower.

Assisting owners of tanker detained by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and in particular on subsequent loss of hire claims.

Cote d'Ivoire

Cote d'Ivoire

Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

Negotiating various contracts for design, construction and installation of new build FPSOs including various projects offshore Australia, in the UK and Norwegian sectors, as for installation in West Africa and Brazil.



Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.



Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

Represented client in two LCIA arbitrations arising out of a construction contract of a Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Vessel including warranty matters (i.e. post-construction defects). The dispute were against one of the world’s largest shipbuilders, the contract price being over US$700 million.

New Zealand

New Zealand

Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.



Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea

Negotiating contract terms for the replacement of an FPSO in production with a substitute facility to be modified and relocated off Equatorial Guinea.



Managing claims and disputes concerning numerous FPSO new build projects including disputes concerning provision of inadequate reservoir and metocean data, errors and omission in FEED, major variations, delay and disruption to completion schedule, compliance with oil state inspection requirements, termination due to late completion, liquidated damages for delay, disputes concerning installation and location readiness, cost of rectification of defects on location, rectification of defects during production, and termination, including the largest  FPSO dispute.

Advising an FPSO owner in relation to warranty claims arising out of an FPSO construction contract.  Led a team in a series of successful negotiations with the construction contractor.



Managing claims and disputes concerning numerous FPSO new build projects including disputes concerning provision of inadequate reservoir and metocean data, errors and omission in FEED, major variations, delay and disruption to completion schedule, compliance with oil state inspection requirements, termination due to late completion, liquidated damages for delay, disputes concerning installation and location readiness, cost of rectification of defects on location, rectification of defects during production, and termination, including the largest  FPSO dispute.

Negotiating various contracts for design, construction and installation of new build FPSOs including various projects offshore Australia, in the UK and Norwegian sectors, as for installation in West Africa and Brazil. 

Advising FPSO Contractor on claim against turret design subcontractor for newbuild FPSO following difficulties on installation (2015).

Assisting in relation to a major dispute between an oil and gas contractor and a shipyard concerning a refitting contract, covering all aspects of the refitting project.

Four-month secondment with leading FPSO operator, advising on various aspects of FPSO construction, conversion and operations.

Advising an FPSO owner in relation to warranty claims arising out of an FPSO construction contract.  Led a team in a series of successful negotiations with the construction contractor.



Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.



Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

Advised a lead LNG shipowner bidding on the Yamal LNG project (advising on both the terms of their shipbuilding contracts with the proposed yard, and also the charter term with Yamal).



Long term LNG charters
Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

Acting for Owners of two LNG shuttle and re-gasification vessels in London arbitration concerning $50 million+ performance claims under long term time charters.

Advice to major utility company on LNG shipping arrangements, including drafting of multi-vessel tender documents and advice on structuring in light of IFRS 16 lease accounting rules (2016-2017).



Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 




Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 



Advising on numerous disputes concerning LNG charter operations including disputes concerning boil-off consumption warranties, LNG cargo contamination, LNG lost as boil-off during off hire, loss of boil-off gas due to venting, shortage claims, OPEX disputes, claims concerning operation of reliquifaction equipment and termination of long term LNG charters.



Advising on numerous disputes concerning LNG charter operations including disputes concerning boil-off consumption warranties, LNG cargo contamination, LNG lost as boil-off during off hire, loss of boil-off gas due to venting, shortage claims, OPEX disputes, claims concerning operation of reliquifaction equipment and termination of long term LNG charters.

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

Advising on the first ever offshore regasification project, drafting terms for numerous LNG FSRU projects and advising on performance warranties, compliance with local regulations, and advising on related modification, JV and management contracts. 

Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 

Advising on the liability and insurance arrangements for a FSRU project.



Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 



Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico.



Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 

Advising a main contractor on an EPIC contract for an FLNG project offshore Mozambique. 

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Supplytime charters 
Advising on various charters for offshore support vessels, primarily on BIMCO Supplytime terms.

Accommodation barges 
Drafting standard form contract for employment of floating accommodation barges to be used in UK sector.

Anchor handling total loss
Managing claims and indemnity actions relating to a total loss of an anchor handling vessel operating in UK sector.

Off-hire dispute
Defending claims relating to equipment malfunction on offshore supply vessel, including deductions from hire, claims for consequential loss and contract suspension.

Acted for a shipowner in reviewing and amending charterparty document; advised in relation to various legal issues arising out of charterparty; specifically, concerning the shipowner’s right to legally terminate the charterparty.

Assisted the charterers in a charterparty dispute with the owners of a vessel in relation to wrongful arrest of a sister ship and other ancillary issues arising under the same charterparty, including hire and redelivery of the vessel. Advised charterers on the merits of the owners’ claim and giving guidance on their settlement negotiations with the owners of the vessel on the basis of the merit.

Representing clients in various arbitrations arising out of contracts of affreightment and bills of lading.

Acting on unpaid hire/expenses disputes in relation to various offshore support vessels for various owners.

Acting for owners in relation to an offshore construction project dispute, including unpaid hire and unfinished work issues.

Negotiating terms for long-term contract of affreightment for off-take shuttle tankers offloading cargoes from UK FPSO.



Advising on various charters for offshore support vessels, primarily on BIMCO Supplytime terms. 

Drafting standard form contract for employment of floating accommodation barges to be used in UK sector.

Negotiating settlement of a dispute concerning the cost of modifying a multi-purpose offshore support vessel to comply with Norwegian authority standards.



Negotiating logistics contract for transportation of oil from Turkmenistan to Black Sea transhipment facility and charters for shipping to European destinations.



Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).  



Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).

Advised in relation to the design, construction and sale of a series of four semi-submersible drilling rigs; and represented in an arbitration, in which the client claimed liquidated damages of US$179 million alongside a request for repayment of damages of US$22 million.




Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100 million+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.  

Advising an FPSO owner on a high value dispute under an EPIC contract arising out of variations and delays on a FPSO conversion.



Advising the Buyer of two newbuild semi-submersible accommodation rigs on delivery disputes and termination rights, including negotiation of a “roll over” addendum (2016).  



Advice to Japanese shipyard on key risks involved in construction of a jack-up wind farm installation vessel (2019).



Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100m+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.

FPSO refitting dispute
Assisting in relation to a major dispute between an oil and gas contractor and a shipyard concerning a refitting contract, covering all aspects of the refitting project.

Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

Advising an FPSO owner on a high value dispute under an EPIC contract arising out of variations and delays on a FPSO conversion.



Representing FPSO Contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation (2017-2018).



Representing FPSO Contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation (2017-2018).

Assisting owners with lien issues arising in relation to unpaid hire.



Advice to major utility company on LNG shipping arrangements, including drafting of multi-vessel tender documents and advice on structuring in light of IFRS 16 lease accounting rules (2016-2017).



Advice to major utility company on LNG shipping arrangements, including drafting of multi-vessel tender documents and advice on structuring in light of IFRS 16 lease accounting rules (2016-2017).



Drafting of charter for LNG FSU project (2019).

Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea

Various advice on proposed FLNG project (2016-2017).



Advice to national oil company on FSRU conversion contract and related Charter (2018).



Advice to EPC contractor on FSRU (barge plus LNG FSU) for power plant project (2017).

South Korea

South Korea

Advised in relation to the design, construction and sale of a series of four semi-submersible drilling rigs; and represented in an arbitration, in which the client claimed liquidated damages of US$179 million alongside a request for repayment of damages of US$22 million.

Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.



Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.

Represented a drilling contractor against an oil and gas company in a LCIA arbitration in relation to whether demobilisation could be undertaken during the term of the contract, and if so, what demobilisation fees and early termination fees were applicable.

South Korea

South Korea

Represented client in two LCIA arbitrations arising out of a construction contract of a Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Vessel including warranty matters (i.e. post-construction defects). The dispute were against one of the world’s largest shipbuilders, the contract price being over US$700 million.

South Korea

South Korea

Assisted clients in a shipbuilding dispute involving two LNG newbuildings that have been found to have serious latent defects in the cargo containment system during her voyage to load port, compromising the vessel’s ability to safely carry LNG cargo. Given the vessels’ inability to carry cargo, which have both entered into long term charterparties, advised on clients on ways to minimise any loss that may arise from the latent defect in both vessels, including pursuing the shipbuilders under the relevant shipbuilding contracts and advised on possible claims under various insurance policies.

Reviewed draft MoU concerning the delivery of Small Scale FSRU (10K x 3 and 24K x 1) and provided client with detailed legal analysis on every clause.   

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Assisted clients in a shipbuilding dispute involving two LNG newbuildings that have been found to have serious latent defects in the cargo containment system during her voyage to load port, compromising the vessel’s ability to safely carry LNG cargo. Given the vessels’ inability to carry cargo, which have both entered into long term charterparties, advised on clients on ways to minimise any loss that may arise from the latent defect in both vessels, including pursuing the shipbuilders under the relevant shipbuilding contracts and advised on possible claims under various insurance policies.

Reviewed draft MoU concerning the delivery of Small Scale FSRU (10K x 3 and 24K x 1) and provided client with detailed legal analysis on every clause.

Regular ad hoc advice to leading IG Clubs and their members in relation to LNG related issues.

South Korea

South Korea

Acted for a shipowner in reviewing and amending charterparty document; advised in relation to various legal issues arising out of charterparty; specifically, concerning the shipowner’s right to legally terminate the charterparty. 

Assisted the charterers in a charterparty dispute with the owners of a vessel in relation to wrongful arrest of a sister ship and other ancillary issues arising under the same charterparty, including hire and redelivery of the vessel. Advised charterers on the merits of the owners’ claim and giving guidance on their settlement negotiations with the owners of the vessel on the basis of the merit.

Representing clients in various arbitrations arising out of contracts of affreightment and bills of lading.

Acting for a South Korean yard where buyers refused to pay instalments of US$20 million. Pursuing the claim through preliminary stages and assisting in agreeing a satisfactory compromise including obtaining an arbitration award in the yard's favour.



Acted for a shipowner in reviewing and amending charterparty document; advised in relation to various legal issues arising out of charterparty; specifically, concerning the shipowner’s right to legally terminate the charterparty. 

Advised on a joint venture with a Chinese conglomerate for servicing offshore wind farms in China.

Advised broker in relation drafting and negotiating several commission agreements for charters involving specialist vessels.

Successfully represented a European shipowner against a major Chinese shipbuilder in a $36 million international arbitration relating to the alleged repudiation of a shipbuilding contract.

South Africa

South Africa

Assisted the charterers in a charterparty dispute with the owners of a vessel in relation to wrongful arrest of a sister ship and other ancillary issues arising under the same charterparty, including hire and redelivery of the vessel. Advised charterers on the merits of the owners’ claim and giving guidance on their settlement negotiations with the owners of the vessel on the basis of the merit.



Assisted a Korean marine insurer, on the issue of cover under a shipbuilding insurance policy and the reinsurance policy in relation to a claim made by a major shipyard based in Vietnam, whose vessels under construction were damaged by a tropical storm.  

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Assisted a Korean marine insurer, on the issue of cover under a shipbuilding insurance policy and the reinsurance policy in relation to a claim made by a major shipyard based in Vietnam, whose vessels under construction were damaged by a tropical storm.

Advice on US$30 million MV "AUTO BANNER" casualty matter by representing insurers in relation to the recovery of claims following fire damage resulting in the total loss of the vessel at Incheon port.

Advice on US$185 million MV "GLOVIS SPRING" casualty matter, by representing Hyundai Glovis and their insurers on the merits of a substantial salvage claim following the grounding of the vessel in the South China Sea.

Advising on a claim arising from a collapsed crane on board a vessel which caused damage to project equipment that was in transit to the offshore work site for installation.

South Korea

South Korea

Assisted a Korean marine insurer, on the issue of cover under a shipbuilding insurance policy and the reinsurance policy in relation to a claim made by a major shipyard based in Vietnam, whose vessels under construction were damaged by a tropical storm.

Advice on US$30 million MV "AUTO BANNER" casualty matter by representing insurers in relation to the recovery of claims following fire damage resulting in the total loss of the vessel at Incheon port.

Advice on US$185 million MV "GLOVIS SPRING" casualty matter, by representing Hyundai Glovis and their insurers on the merits of a substantial salvage claim following the grounding of the vessel in the South China Sea.



Advice on US$185 million MV "GLOVIS SPRING" casualty matter, by representing Hyundai Glovis and their insurers on the merits of a substantial salvage claim following the grounding of the vessel in the South China Sea.

Advising a leading shipyard on the insurance and risk management provisions arising out of a HEAVYCON 2007 contract.

South Korea

South Korea

Advising a construction contractor (one of South Korea’s largest construction and civil engineering companies) in its dispute arising under a EPC contract against the prime contractor in relation to the construction of a nuclear power plant in the UAE. This instruction may potentially be amongst the biggest (if not the biggest) construction dispute worldwide at the moment, with the clients' total quantum of the Claims Approx. US$500,000,000.

Advising DSME on consortium agreement re: Wellhead Pressure Management Project in relation to a contract for the fabrication of modules designed to expand oil production facilities and increase production capacity at the Future Growth Project site in Kazakhstan.

Advising industrial plant constructor on US$34 million Thai contract regarding a contractual dispute relating to a power plant being constructed in Thailand. 



Advising a construction contractor (one of South Korea’s largest construction and civil engineering companies) in its dispute arising under a EPC contract against the prime contractor in relation to the construction of a nuclear power plant in the UAE. This instruction may potentially be amongst the biggest (if not the biggest) construction dispute worldwide at the moment, with the clients' total quantum of the Claims Approx. US$500,000,000.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Advising a construction contractor (one of South Korea’s largest construction and civil engineering companies) in its dispute arising under a EPC contract against the prime contractor in relation to the construction of a nuclear power plant in the UAE. This instruction may potentially be amongst the biggest (if not the biggest) construction dispute worldwide at the moment, with the clients' total quantum of the Claims Approx. US$500,000,000.

Advising DSME on consortium agreement re: Wellhead Pressure Management Project in relation to a contract for the fabrication of modules designed to expand oil production facilities and increase production capacity at the Future Growth Project site in Kazakhstan.

Advising industrial plant constructor on US$34 million Thai contract regarding a contractual dispute relating to a power plant being constructed in Thailand.

Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work). 



Advising industrial plant constructor on US$34 million Thai contract regarding a contractual dispute relating to a power plant being constructed in Thailand.



Advising DSME on consortium agreement re: Wellhead Pressure Management Project in relation to a contract for the fabrication of modules designed to expand oil production facilities and increase production capacity at the Future Growth Project site in Kazakhstan.



Advising an independent oil company on a dispute arising under a drilling contract which concerned the safety of the rig and the legitimacy of instructions given by the oil company to suspend performance.



Advising on the contractual terms and conditions and insurance arrangements for a change in the delivery of a rig from the shipyard in China to Holland.



Advising on the contractual terms and conditions and insurance arrangements for a change in the delivery of a rig from the shipyard in China to Holland.



Advising on a dispute concerning the ownership of a drilling rig.

Advising on a dispute concerning uppaid debts and the arrest of a drilling rig.



Advising on the EPIC contract for a compliant tower.

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

Advising on the EPIC contract for a floating production platform/ spar in the Gulf of Mexico.



Advising on the EPIC contract for a floating production platform/ spar in the Gulf of Mexico.



Advising a lead contractor on the EPIC contract for a FLNG Vessel offshore Mozambique.



Advising on a claim arising from the breakdown of the main bearing of a FPSO turret.

Advising on a claim arising from damage to a FPSO riser.



Advising on the contract (including liability and insurance clauses) for a project to convert an LNG vessel into a FSRU.



Advising a marine contractor on the creation of a decommissioning joint venture for UKCS assets.

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

Advising on claims arising from damage to offshore pipelines occurring during installation operations.

Advising on issues arising from the BP Thunderhorse casualty.

North Sea

North Sea

Advising on a claim arising from a collapsed crane on board a vessel which caused damage to project equipment that was in transit to the offshore work site for installation.

Advising on insurance issues arising from the total loss of the AHTS Bourbon Dolphin in April 2007.



Advising on the insurance arrangements for a project to convert a LNG vessel into a FSRU.

Acting for the owner of a jack-up Rig following the capsize and total loss of the same whilst under tow.



Advising on an insurance claim arising from the failure of the main bearing of an FPSO turret.

Advising on a claim arising from damage to a FPSO riser.



Advising on an insurance dispute arising from the Mighty Servant II casualty.



Advising a provider of accommodation vessels on the development of a suite of contracts to support their business operations.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Advising a marine contractor on the creation of a decommissioning joint venture for UKCS assets.



Advising a marine contractor on the creation of a decommissioning joint venture for UKCS assets.



Advising a listed oil and gas company on the sale of its Tunisian assets to a listed E&P company.



Advising a Nigerian oil and gas investment company on the acquisition of multiple Nigerian assets.



Advising a HNWI on the restructuring and sale of two UAE-based oil and gas engineering companies to a multinational energy services company.



Representing FPSO contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation.



Advised a lead LNG shipowner bidding on the Yamal LNG project (advising on both the terms of their shipbuilding contracts with the proposed yard, and also the charter terms with Yamal).



Advising a new start-up in relation to an LNG bunkering barge.



Regular ad hoc advice to leading IG Clubs and their members in relation to LNG related issues.



Acting in relation to various high-value cargo contamination claims.



Acting in relation to various high-value cargo contamination claims.

Acting for Korean shipowners in relation to a number of termination of charter disputes, including detailed analysis of the available market for assessment of damages.



Assisting owners of tanker detained by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and in particular on subsequent loss of hire claims.



Acting for owners in various towage disputes.



Advising an international tanker owner as to disputes arising out of previous cargo residue and their impact on subsequent cargo/voyages.

West Africa

West Africa

Acting on unpaid hire/expenses disputes in relation to various offshore support vessels for various owners.



Advising an international tanker owner as to disputes arising out of previous cargo residue and their impact on subsequent cargo/voyages.



Advising an international tanker owner as to disputes arising out of previous cargo residue and their impact on subsequent cargo/voyages.

Acting on unpaid hire/expenses disputes in relation to various offshore support vessels for various owners.

Successfully represented one UAE State entity against another UAE State entity in a $30 million offshore construction adjudication that developed into an ICC arbitration.



Assisting in respect of various contractual issues arising from the late delivery of a newbuild FPSO.

Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

Advising a Chinese owner on a court dispute against a state-owned company, in respect of the construction of a FPSO.



Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).



Represented a drilling contractor in an ICC arbitration in a dispute in relation to the non-payment of invoices for additional services carried out during the drilling campaign.



Represented an oil and gas company in an ICC arbitration regarding its rights to take and sell gas from joint gas fields in Argentina.

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

Represented a drilling contractor against an oil and gas company in an AAA arbitration in relation to whether the increased costs associated with new tax legislation were for contractor's or employer's account.

North Sea

North Sea

Represented an oil and gas company in the English Commercial Court in relation to rig idle costs and breach of the joint venture agreement.



Advised an international contractor in relation to dealing with a major UK based subcontractor's insolvency.

Advised a contractor in relation to fabrication problems.

North Sea

North Sea

Advised an EPCI contractor in relation to disputes with its employer in relation to requests for additional time and costs.

Represented an EPCI contractor in relation to disputes with subcontractors in relation to requests for additional time and costs, delays and quality of production.

North Sea

North Sea

Represented a charterer in a LMAA arbitration for breach of charterparty in relation to the overconsumption of fuel.

Represented owners in a LMAA arbitration for breach of charterparty in relation to unpaid invoices. This matter involved appeals to the English courts and enforcement actions in several locations around the world.



Drafting contracts for Artic oil transhipiment operations including shuttle charter and operating agreement for floating storage facility.

Caspian Sea

Caspian Sea

Advised on a joint venture involving a leading Malaysian oilfield services provider in respect of a number of offshore support and subsea construction vessels for operation in the Caspian Sea, and their subsequent financing.



Advising and drafting contracts for Nigerian oil shipment project including shuttle charters and transfer to an FPSO for export.



Advised broker in relation drafting and negotiating several commission agreements for charters involving specialist vessels.



Advised IFC on a US$82 million loan to Lukoil to refurbish its Petrotel refinery in Romania.

Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia

Advised a Scandinavian shipping company on project financing of a floating LNG storage and regasification unit to be operated in South-East Asia.



Advised owners on the purchase of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.



Advised owners on the purchase of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.



Advised owners on the financing of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.

Advised on a joint venture with a Chinese conglomerate for servicing offshore wind farms in China.



Advised owners on the financing of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.

Advised NAB, BNPP and SMTB as lenders’ counsel in connection with three separate facilities for the financing of four LNG carriers to be owned by Korean owners and chartered to an oil major on long-term charters. The loan was structured on a project financing basis.

West Africa

West Africa

Business interruption claim

Advised a lead insurer on a business interruption claim of up to £40 million under an energy package policy. The claim related to loss of production at an FPSO operating offshore West Africa.

North Sea

North Sea

Defects liability insurance

Advising leading offshore contractor on a defects liability insurance policy in relation to the installation of an offshore wind farm in the North Sea costing approximately US$1 billion.

South America

South America

Drilling rig dispute – UNCITRAL arbitration

Advised a large South American state-owned oil and gas company in a high value dispute relating to an ongoing drilling contract.

Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

Advised Oro Negro as issuer of the largest high yield bond ever issued in the Norwegian market to refinance the acquisition of five jack-up drilling rigs operated in Mexico. Norwegian Bond Deal of the Year Award, 2015. Marine Money Offshore.

Advised an equity investor on the sale and leaseback of a jack-up drilling rig to be operated offshore Mexico.


West Africa

West Africa

Advised lenders on the financing of a mobile offshore production unit and floating storage unit deployed in Western Africa.



Acting for a subsea contractor against two international gas companies for delay and disruption caused by severe delays progressing with completion of a pipeline project off Trinidad. Commencing arbitration and negotiating settlement terms favourable to the client.



Advising the turnkey installation contractor on a wide range of issues arising from their £1 billion project to install 100 foundations offshore Scotland.

  • Angola

    Advising on the EPIC contract for a compliant tower.

  • Angola

    Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.

    Represented a drilling contractor against an oil and gas company in a LCIA arbitration in relation to whether demobilisation could be undertaken during the term of the contract, and if so, what demobilisation fees and early termination fees were applicable.

  • Angola

    Assisting owners of tanker detained by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and in particular on subsequent loss of hire claims.

  • Angola

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

    Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.

    Represented a drilling contractor against an oil and gas company in a LCIA arbitration in relation to whether demobilisation could be undertaken during the term of the contract, and if so, what demobilisation fees and early termination fees were applicable.

    Advising on the EPIC contract for a compliant tower.

    Assisting owners of tanker detained by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and in particular on subsequent loss of hire claims.

  • Argentina

    Represented an oil and gas company in an ICC arbitration regarding its rights to take and sell gas from joint gas fields in Argentina.

  • Australia

    Acting in relation to various high-value cargo contamination claims.

  • Australia

    Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

    Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 


  • Australia

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

    Represented client in two LCIA arbitrations arising out of a construction contract of a Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Vessel including warranty matters (i.e. post-construction defects). The dispute were against one of the world’s largest shipbuilders, the contract price being over US$700 million.

  • Bangladesh

    Advice to national oil company on FSRU conversion contract and related Charter (2018).

  • Brazil

    Advising successful contractor in High Court litigation concerning technical obstacles encountered during conversion of VLCCS for use in floating production operations offshore Brazil.

    Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100 million+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.

    Advising a leading SURF contractor on a high value dispute under an EPIC contract due to the late delivery and therefore hook-up of an FPSO. 

    Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

    Negotiating detailed EPIC contract terms (including advising on issues such as step-in rights, termination provisions, warranty provisions, limitations on liability and knock-for-knock clauses, design responsibility, transfer of title, subcontracting and ECAs).

  • Brazil

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

    Resolving disputes relating to the operation of FPSOs including disputes concerning acceptance tests, production targets, produced oil quality, off-spec well fluids, loss of production due to shut in, reduced production due to off-take tanker delay and charter termination. 

    Resolving disputes concerning modification of FPSOs to meet relocation requirements including transfer from UK to Brazil and Nigeria, transfer between locations in West Africa, relocating from UK to Asia and operations in Norwegian waters.

    Managing claims and disputes concerning numerous FPSO new build projects including disputes concerning provision of inadequate reservoir and metocean data, errors and omission in FEED, major variations, delay and disruption to completion schedule, compliance with oil state inspection requirements, termination due to late completion, liquidated damages for delay, disputes concerning installation and location readiness, cost of rectification of defects on location, rectification of defects during production, and termination, including the largest  FPSO dispute.

    Negotiating various contracts for design, construction and installation of new build FPSOs including various projects offshore Australia, in the UK and Norwegian sectors, as for installation in West Africa and Brazil.

    Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100 million+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.

    Representing FPSO Contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation (2017-2018).

    Advising a SURF contractor on a claim arising from a delayed FPSO project.

    Advising on a claim in relation to a FPSO hull when extensive fatigue damage was identified early in the field life.

    Advising a SURF contractor on substantial claims arising from the late delivery and hook up of the FPSO.

    Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

    Assisting in relation to a major dispute between an oil and gas contractor and a shipyard concerning a refitting contract, covering all aspects of the refitting project.

    Representing a subsea contractor in bringing multiple delay and disruption claims in excess of US$100 million on the first FPSO development in Brazilian waters. After lengthy investigation and compilation of supporting evidence, established that contractors losses arose largely from the oil company's errors in project management thus the delay was beyond the contractor's control.

  • Brazil

    Representing FPSO Contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation (2017-2018).

  • Brazil

    Representing FPSO Contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation (2017-2018).

    Assisting owners with lien issues arising in relation to unpaid hire.

  • Brazil

    Negotiating terms of 5 year charter of US$700 million newbuild drilling unit on behalf of drilling contractor, together with drilling services management contract.

    Advice and support on various issues to Owner of a 6th generation drillship built for operation in Brazil, including advice on termination and assignment (2014-2016).

  • Brazil

    Representing FPSO contractor and P&I Club on recovery of umbilical and related claims following winch wire failure during installation.

  • Cameroon

    Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 

  • Cameroon

    Advising an independent oil company on a dispute arising under a drilling contract which concerned the safety of the rig and the legitimacy of instructions given by the oil company to suspend performance.

  • Canada

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

  • Canada

    Advising a new start-up in relation to an LNG bunkering barge.

  • Caspian Sea

    Advised on a joint venture involving a leading Malaysian oilfield services provider in respect of a number of offshore support and subsea construction vessels for operation in the Caspian Sea, and their subsequent financing.

  • China

    Advice on US$185 million MV "GLOVIS SPRING" casualty matter, by representing Hyundai Glovis and their insurers on the merits of a substantial salvage claim following the grounding of the vessel in the South China Sea.

    Advising a leading shipyard on the insurance and risk management provisions arising out of a HEAVYCON 2007 contract.

  • China

    Advised owners on the purchase of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.

  • China

    Advised owners on the financing of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.

    Advised on a joint venture with a Chinese conglomerate for servicing offshore wind farms in China.

  • China

    Acted for a shipowner in reviewing and amending charterparty document; advised in relation to various legal issues arising out of charterparty; specifically, concerning the shipowner’s right to legally terminate the charterparty. 

    Advised on a joint venture with a Chinese conglomerate for servicing offshore wind farms in China.

    Advised broker in relation drafting and negotiating several commission agreements for charters involving specialist vessels.

    Successfully represented a European shipowner against a major Chinese shipbuilder in a $36 million international arbitration relating to the alleged repudiation of a shipbuilding contract.

  • China

    Advising on the contractual terms and conditions and insurance arrangements for a change in the delivery of a rig from the shipyard in China to Holland.

  • China

    Assisting in respect of various contractual issues arising from the late delivery of a newbuild FPSO.

    Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

    Advising a Chinese owner on a court dispute against a state-owned company, in respect of the construction of a FPSO.

  • Cote d'Ivoire

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

    Negotiating various contracts for design, construction and installation of new build FPSOs including various projects offshore Australia, in the UK and Norwegian sectors, as for installation in West Africa and Brazil.

  • Ecuador

    Advising on a dispute concerning the ownership of a drilling rig.

    Advising on a dispute concerning uppaid debts and the arrest of a drilling rig.

  • Equatorial Guinea

    Negotiating contract terms for the replacement of an FPSO in production with a substitute facility to be modified and relocated off Equatorial Guinea.

  • Equatorial Guinea

    Various advice on proposed FLNG project (2016-2017).

  • Ghana

    Advising on an insurance claim arising from the failure of the main bearing of an FPSO turret.

    Advising on a claim arising from damage to a FPSO riser.

  • Ghana

    Advice to EPC contractor on FSRU (barge plus LNG FSU) for power plant project (2017).

  • Ghana

    Represented a drilling contractor in an ICC arbitration in a dispute in relation to the non-payment of invoices for additional services carried out during the drilling campaign.

  • Ghana

    Advising on a claim arising from the breakdown of the main bearing of a FPSO turret.

    Advising on a claim arising from damage to a FPSO riser.

  • Greece

    Regular ad hoc advice to leading IG Clubs and their members in relation to LNG related issues.

  • Gulf of Mexico

    Advising on the first ever offshore regasification project, drafting terms for numerous LNG FSRU projects and advising on performance warranties, compliance with local regulations, and advising on related modification, JV and management contracts. 

    Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 

    Advising on the liability and insurance arrangements for a FSRU project.

  • Gulf of Mexico

    Advising on the EPIC contract for a floating production platform/ spar in the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Gulf of Mexico

    Represented a drilling contractor against an oil and gas company in an AAA arbitration in relation to whether the increased costs associated with new tax legislation were for contractor's or employer's account.

  • Gulf of Mexico

    Advising on claims arising from damage to offshore pipelines occurring during installation operations.

    Advising on issues arising from the BP Thunderhorse casualty.

  • Gulf of Mexico

    Advised Oro Negro as issuer of the largest high yield bond ever issued in the Norwegian market to refinance the acquisition of five jack-up drilling rigs operated in Mexico. Norwegian Bond Deal of the Year Award, 2015. Marine Money Offshore.

    Advised an equity investor on the sale and leaseback of a jack-up drilling rig to be operated offshore Mexico.


  • India

    Advising an international tanker owner as to disputes arising out of previous cargo residue and their impact on subsequent cargo/voyages.

  • India

    Drafting of charter for LNG FSU project (2019).

  • India

    Successful claim in London arbitration for unpaid hire and repair costs relating to operation of drilling-rig offshore India on behalf of US drilling contractor. 

  • Indonesia

    Advising on an insurance dispute arising from the Mighty Servant II casualty.

  • Indonesia

    Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico.

  • Indonesia

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

  • Ireland

    Advised broker in relation drafting and negotiating several commission agreements for charters involving specialist vessels.

  • Italy

    Advice to major utility company on LNG shipping arrangements, including drafting of multi-vessel tender documents and advice on structuring in light of IFRS 16 lease accounting rules (2016-2017).

  • Japan

    Advice to Japanese shipyard on key risks involved in construction of a jack-up wind farm installation vessel (2019).

  • Japan

    Advising on numerous disputes concerning LNG charter operations including disputes concerning boil-off consumption warranties, LNG cargo contamination, LNG lost as boil-off during off hire, loss of boil-off gas due to venting, shortage claims, OPEX disputes, claims concerning operation of reliquifaction equipment and termination of long term LNG charters.

  • Kazakhstan

    Advising DSME on consortium agreement re: Wellhead Pressure Management Project in relation to a contract for the fabrication of modules designed to expand oil production facilities and increase production capacity at the Future Growth Project site in Kazakhstan.

  • Korea

    Acting in relation to various high-value cargo contamination claims.

    Acting for Korean shipowners in relation to a number of termination of charter disputes, including detailed analysis of the available market for assessment of damages.

  • Korea

    Managing claims and disputes concerning numerous FPSO new build projects including disputes concerning provision of inadequate reservoir and metocean data, errors and omission in FEED, major variations, delay and disruption to completion schedule, compliance with oil state inspection requirements, termination due to late completion, liquidated damages for delay, disputes concerning installation and location readiness, cost of rectification of defects on location, rectification of defects during production, and termination, including the largest  FPSO dispute.

    Advising an FPSO owner in relation to warranty claims arising out of an FPSO construction contract.  Led a team in a series of successful negotiations with the construction contractor.

  • Korea

    Advised owners on the purchase of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.

  • Korea

    Advised owners on the financing of a number of newbuild VLGCs/VLECs/BITUMAN CARRIERs from leading shipyards in China and Korea.

    Advised NAB, BNPP and SMTB as lenders’ counsel in connection with three separate facilities for the financing of four LNG carriers to be owned by Korean owners and chartered to an oil major on long-term charters. The loan was structured on a project financing basis.

  • Korea

    Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).  

  • Korea

    Representing a shipyard in respect of warranty claims in relation to a series of semi-submersible drilling vessels of CVA 7500 designs, the ultimate result was that many of the warranty claims were withdrawn and the builder enforced its contractual limitations of liability.

    Arbitration in London concerning schedule delay and disruption costs on an offshore construction project for an oil production platform.  The shipyard received an additional payment of US$50 million.

    Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).  

    Secondment to major Korean shipyard offshore department in 2015 (5 weeks).

  • Mauritius

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

  • Mozambique

    Advising a lead contractor on the EPIC contract for a FLNG Vessel offshore Mozambique.

  • Mozambique

    Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 

    Advising a main contractor on an EPIC contract for an FLNG project offshore Mozambique. 

  • Netherlands

    Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100m+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.

    FPSO refitting dispute
    Assisting in relation to a major dispute between an oil and gas contractor and a shipyard concerning a refitting contract, covering all aspects of the refitting project.

    Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

    Advising an FPSO owner on a high value dispute under an EPIC contract arising out of variations and delays on a FPSO conversion.

  • Netherlands

    Advising a marine contractor on the creation of a decommissioning joint venture for UKCS assets.

  • Netherlands

    Advising on the contractual terms and conditions and insurance arrangements for a change in the delivery of a rig from the shipyard in China to Holland.

  • Netherlands

    Acting for FPSO Contractor in claims with shipyard worth $100 million+ on a redeployment and upgrade project significantly delayed over budget, including regular attendance at the yard, LCIA arbitration facing the yard and advice on delivery of the FPSO into its charter.  

    Advising an FPSO owner on a high value dispute under an EPIC contract arising out of variations and delays on a FPSO conversion.

  • New Zealand

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

  • Nigeria

    Resolving a dispute over the modification of an existing FPSO and the delayed commencement of operations offshore Nigeria due to defective production equipment.

  • Nigeria

    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

    Resolving disputes relating to the operation of FPSOs including disputes concerning acceptance tests, production targets, produced oil quality, off-spec well fluids, loss of production due to shut in, reduced production due to off-take tanker delay and charter termination. 

    Resolving disputes concerning modification of FPSOs to meet relocation requirements including transfer from UK to Brazil and Nigeria, transfer between locations in West Africa, relocating from UK to Asia and operations in Norwegian waters.

    Advice to FPU Contractor on termination of charter and transfer of O&M obligations following oil company insolvency (2015-2016); subsequent dispute concerning termination of O&M contract (2018-present).

    Advising on a dispute relating to the underperformance of a FPSO contractor under a operating contract.

    Advising on the renegotiation of the terms and conditions of a contract for the lease and operation of an FPSO.

  • Nigeria

    Advising a Nigerian oil and gas investment company on the acquisition of multiple Nigerian assets.

  • Nigeria

    Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

    Advising on a number of planned floating LNG production projects, both FLNG and FLSO, including West Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Mozambique and Gulf of Mexico. 

  • Nigeria

    Advising and drafting contracts for Nigerian oil shipment project including shuttle charters and transfer to an FPSO for export.

  • North Sea

    Represented an oil and gas company in the English Commercial Court in relation to rig idle costs and breach of the joint venture agreement.

  • North Sea

    Advised an EPCI contractor in relation to disputes with its employer in relation to requests for additional time and costs.

    Represented an EPCI contractor in relation to disputes with subcontractors in relation to requests for additional time and costs, delays and quality of production.

  • North Sea

    Represented a charterer in a LMAA arbitration for breach of charterparty in relation to the overconsumption of fuel.

    Represented owners in a LMAA arbitration for breach of charterparty in relation to unpaid invoices. This matter involved appeals to the English courts and enforcement actions in several locations around the world.

  • North Sea

    Defects liability insurance

    Advising leading offshore contractor on a defects liability insurance policy in relation to the installation of an offshore wind farm in the North Sea costing approximately US$1 billion.

  • North Sea

    Advising on a claim arising from a collapsed crane on board a vessel which caused damage to project equipment that was in transit to the offshore work site for installation.

    Advising on insurance issues arising from the total loss of the AHTS Bourbon Dolphin in April 2007.

  • Norway

    Advising on numerous disputes concerning LNG charter operations including disputes concerning boil-off consumption warranties, LNG cargo contamination, LNG lost as boil-off during off hire, loss of boil-off gas due to venting, shortage claims, OPEX disputes, claims concerning operation of reliquifaction equipment and termination of long term LNG charters.

  • Norway

    Managing claims and disputes concerning numerous FPSO new build projects including disputes concerning provision of inadequate reservoir and metocean data, errors and omission in FEED, major variations, delay and disruption to completion schedule, compliance with oil state inspection requirements, termination due to late completion, liquidated damages for delay, disputes concerning installation and location readiness, cost of rectification of defects on location, rectification of defects during production, and termination, including the largest  FPSO dispute.

    Negotiating various contracts for design, construction and installation of new build FPSOs including various projects offshore Australia, in the UK and Norwegian sectors, as for installation in West Africa and Brazil. 

    Advising FPSO Contractor on claim against turret design subcontractor for newbuild FPSO following difficulties on installation (2015).

    Assisting in relation to a major dispute between an oil and gas contractor and a shipyard concerning a refitting contract, covering all aspects of the refitting project.

    Four-month secondment with leading FPSO operator, advising on various aspects of FPSO construction, conversion and operations.

    Advising an FPSO owner in relation to warranty claims arising out of an FPSO construction contract.  Led a team in a series of successful negotiations with the construction contractor.

  • Norway

    Advising on various charters for offshore support vessels, primarily on BIMCO Supplytime terms. 

    Drafting standard form contract for employment of floating accommodation barges to be used in UK sector.

    Negotiating settlement of a dispute concerning the cost of modifying a multi-purpose offshore support vessel to comply with Norwegian authority standards.

  • Norway

    Advising a marine contractor on the creation of a decommissioning joint venture for UKCS assets.

  • Norway

    Representing a leading offshore contractor in a claim in London arbitration for an indemnity for costs incurred in relation to the construction of an FPSO resulting from changes in specification during construction.  The indemnity claim was for approximately US$150 million. 

    Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).

    Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work). 

  • Norway

    Acting for shipyard in $300 million+ arbitration in respect of major cost overruns and delay following defective design for a series of four bespoke semi-submersible drilling rigs, including working closely with technical experts on design issues (2014-2016).

    Advised in relation to the design, construction and sale of a series of four semi-submersible drilling rigs; and represented in an arbitration, in which the client claimed liquidated damages of US$179 million alongside a request for repayment of damages of US$22 million.


  • Oslo

    Advising a provider of accommodation vessels on the development of a suite of contracts to support their business operations.

  • Qatar

    Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

  • Romania

    Advised IFC on a US$82 million loan to Lukoil to refurbish its Petrotel refinery in Romania.

  • Russia

    Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

    Advised a lead LNG shipowner bidding on the Yamal LNG project (advising on both the terms of their shipbuilding contracts with the proposed yard, and also the charter term with Yamal).

  • Russia

    Drafting contracts for Artic oil transhipiment operations including shuttle charter and operating agreement for floating storage facility.

  • Russia

    Advised a lead LNG shipowner bidding on the Yamal LNG project (advising on both the terms of their shipbuilding contracts with the proposed yard, and also the charter terms with Yamal).

  • Scotland

    Advising the turnkey installation contractor on a wide range of issues arising from their £1 billion project to install 100 foundations offshore Scotland.

  • Scotland

    Advised an international contractor in relation to dealing with a major UK based subcontractor's insolvency.

    Advised a contractor in relation to fabrication problems.

  • Singapore

    Advising the Buyer of two newbuild semi-submersible accommodation rigs on delivery disputes and termination rights, including negotiation of a “roll over” addendum (2016).  

  • Singapore

    Advising on the contract (including liability and insurance clauses) for a project to convert an LNG vessel into a FSRU.

  • Singapore

    Advising an international tanker owner as to disputes arising out of previous cargo residue and their impact on subsequent cargo/voyages.

  • Singapore

    Advising on the insurance arrangements for a project to convert a LNG vessel into a FSRU.

    Acting for the owner of a jack-up Rig following the capsize and total loss of the same whilst under tow.

  • Singapore

    Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work).

  • South Africa

    Assisted the charterers in a charterparty dispute with the owners of a vessel in relation to wrongful arrest of a sister ship and other ancillary issues arising under the same charterparty, including hire and redelivery of the vessel. Advised charterers on the merits of the owners’ claim and giving guidance on their settlement negotiations with the owners of the vessel on the basis of the merit.

  • South America

    Drilling rig dispute – UNCITRAL arbitration

    Advised a large South American state-owned oil and gas company in a high value dispute relating to an ongoing drilling contract.

  • South Korea

    Assisted a Korean marine insurer, on the issue of cover under a shipbuilding insurance policy and the reinsurance policy in relation to a claim made by a major shipyard based in Vietnam, whose vessels under construction were damaged by a tropical storm.

    Advice on US$30 million MV "AUTO BANNER" casualty matter by representing insurers in relation to the recovery of claims following fire damage resulting in the total loss of the vessel at Incheon port.

    Advice on US$185 million MV "GLOVIS SPRING" casualty matter, by representing Hyundai Glovis and their insurers on the merits of a substantial salvage claim following the grounding of the vessel in the South China Sea.

  • South Korea

    Advised in relation to the design, construction and sale of a series of four semi-submersible drilling rigs; and represented in an arbitration, in which the client claimed liquidated damages of US$179 million alongside a request for repayment of damages of US$22 million.

    Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.

  • South Korea

    Advising a construction contractor (one of South Korea’s largest construction and civil engineering companies) in its dispute arising under a EPC contract against the prime contractor in relation to the construction of a nuclear power plant in the UAE. This instruction may potentially be amongst the biggest (if not the biggest) construction dispute worldwide at the moment, with the clients' total quantum of the Claims Approx. US$500,000,000.

    Advising DSME on consortium agreement re: Wellhead Pressure Management Project in relation to a contract for the fabrication of modules designed to expand oil production facilities and increase production capacity at the Future Growth Project site in Kazakhstan.

    Advising industrial plant constructor on US$34 million Thai contract regarding a contractual dispute relating to a power plant being constructed in Thailand. 

  • South Korea

    Represented client in two LCIA arbitrations arising out of a construction contract of a Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Vessel including warranty matters (i.e. post-construction defects). The dispute were against one of the world’s largest shipbuilders, the contract price being over US$700 million.

  • South Korea

    Assisted clients in a shipbuilding dispute involving two LNG newbuildings that have been found to have serious latent defects in the cargo containment system during her voyage to load port, compromising the vessel’s ability to safely carry LNG cargo. Given the vessels’ inability to carry cargo, which have both entered into long term charterparties, advised on clients on ways to minimise any loss that may arise from the latent defect in both vessels, including pursuing the shipbuilders under the relevant shipbuilding contracts and advised on possible claims under various insurance policies.

    Reviewed draft MoU concerning the delivery of Small Scale FSRU (10K x 3 and 24K x 1) and provided client with detailed legal analysis on every clause.   

  • South Korea

    Acted for a shipowner in reviewing and amending charterparty document; advised in relation to various legal issues arising out of charterparty; specifically, concerning the shipowner’s right to legally terminate the charterparty. 

    Assisted the charterers in a charterparty dispute with the owners of a vessel in relation to wrongful arrest of a sister ship and other ancillary issues arising under the same charterparty, including hire and redelivery of the vessel. Advised charterers on the merits of the owners’ claim and giving guidance on their settlement negotiations with the owners of the vessel on the basis of the merit.

    Representing clients in various arbitrations arising out of contracts of affreightment and bills of lading.

    Acting for a South Korean yard where buyers refused to pay instalments of US$20 million. Pursuing the claim through preliminary stages and assisting in agreeing a satisfactory compromise including obtaining an arbitration award in the yard's favour.

  • Southeast Asia

    Advised a Scandinavian shipping company on project financing of a floating LNG storage and regasification unit to be operated in South-East Asia.

  • Spain

    Acting for owners in various towage disputes.

  • Spain

    Advice to major utility company on LNG shipping arrangements, including drafting of multi-vessel tender documents and advice on structuring in light of IFRS 16 lease accounting rules (2016-2017).

  • Thailand

    Advising industrial plant constructor on US$34 million Thai contract regarding a contractual dispute relating to a power plant being constructed in Thailand.

  • Trinidad

    Acting for a subsea contractor against two international gas companies for delay and disruption caused by severe delays progressing with completion of a pipeline project off Trinidad. Commencing arbitration and negotiating settlement terms favourable to the client.

  • Tunisia

    Advising a listed oil and gas company on the sale of its Tunisian assets to a listed E&P company.

  • Turkmenistan

    Negotiating logistics contract for transportation of oil from Turkmenistan to Black Sea transhipment facility and charters for shipping to European destinations.

  • UAE

    Advising a construction contractor (one of South Korea’s largest construction and civil engineering companies) in its dispute arising under a EPC contract against the prime contractor in relation to the construction of a nuclear power plant in the UAE. This instruction may potentially be amongst the biggest (if not the biggest) construction dispute worldwide at the moment, with the clients' total quantum of the Claims Approx. US$500,000,000.

  • UAE

    Advising a HNWI on the restructuring and sale of two UAE-based oil and gas engineering companies to a multinational energy services company.

  • UAE

    Advising an international tanker owner as to disputes arising out of previous cargo residue and their impact on subsequent cargo/voyages.

    Acting on unpaid hire/expenses disputes in relation to various offshore support vessels for various owners.

    Successfully represented one UAE State entity against another UAE State entity in a $30 million offshore construction adjudication that developed into an ICC arbitration.

  • United Kingdom

    Charter negotiations
    Leading negotiations for new floating production developments offshore.

    FPSO disputes
    Resolving disputes relating to the operation of FPSOs including disputes concerning acceptance tests, production targets, produced oil quality, off-spec well fluids, loss of production due to shut in, reduced production due to off-take tanker delay and charter termination. 

    Advising FPSO Contractor on its position facing Charterer in respect of a North Sea heavy oil project delayed by several years, including advising on Acceptance criteria, off-spec hydrocarbons and variation rights, Production Targets and hire adjustment, off-spec production issues and liquidated damages.

    Represented client in two LCIA arbitrations arising out of a construction contract of a Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) Vessel including warranty matters (i.e. post-construction defects). The dispute were against one of the world’s largest shipbuilders, the contract price being over US$700 million.

    FPSO delivery
    Assisting in respect of various contractual issues arising from the late delivery of a newbuild FPSO.

    FPSO hire dispute
    Assisting in relation to a high-value dispute between an oil and gas contractor and operator in respect of the interpretation of a daily base hire payment mechanism.

  • United Kingdom

    Advising a marine contractor on the creation of a decommissioning joint venture for UKCS assets.

  • United Kingdom

    Advising a construction contractor (one of South Korea’s largest construction and civil engineering companies) in its dispute arising under a EPC contract against the prime contractor in relation to the construction of a nuclear power plant in the UAE. This instruction may potentially be amongst the biggest (if not the biggest) construction dispute worldwide at the moment, with the clients' total quantum of the Claims Approx. US$500,000,000.

    Advising DSME on consortium agreement re: Wellhead Pressure Management Project in relation to a contract for the fabrication of modules designed to expand oil production facilities and increase production capacity at the Future Growth Project site in Kazakhstan.

    Advising industrial plant constructor on US$34 million Thai contract regarding a contractual dispute relating to a power plant being constructed in Thailand.

    Major LCIA arbitration proceedings relating to substantial refit and refurbishment contract for an FPSO vessel (including issues such as termination rights, critical path delay, prolongation claims, the variations regime and scope of work). 

  • United Kingdom

    Assisted clients in a shipbuilding dispute involving two LNG newbuildings that have been found to have serious latent defects in the cargo containment system during her voyage to load port, compromising the vessel’s ability to safely carry LNG cargo. Given the vessels’ inability to carry cargo, which have both entered into long term charterparties, advised on clients on ways to minimise any loss that may arise from the latent defect in both vessels, including pursuing the shipbuilders under the relevant shipbuilding contracts and advised on possible claims under various insurance policies.

    Reviewed draft MoU concerning the delivery of Small Scale FSRU (10K x 3 and 24K x 1) and provided client with detailed legal analysis on every clause.

    Regular ad hoc advice to leading IG Clubs and their members in relation to LNG related issues.

  • United Kingdom

    Supplytime charters 
    Advising on various charters for offshore support vessels, primarily on BIMCO Supplytime terms.

    Accommodation barges 
    Drafting standard form contract for employment of floating accommodation barges to be used in UK sector.

    Anchor handling total loss
    Managing claims and indemnity actions relating to a total loss of an anchor handling vessel operating in UK sector.

    Off-hire dispute
    Defending claims relating to equipment malfunction on offshore supply vessel, including deductions from hire, claims for consequential loss and contract suspension.

    Acted for a shipowner in reviewing and amending charterparty document; advised in relation to various legal issues arising out of charterparty; specifically, concerning the shipowner’s right to legally terminate the charterparty.

    Assisted the charterers in a charterparty dispute with the owners of a vessel in relation to wrongful arrest of a sister ship and other ancillary issues arising under the same charterparty, including hire and redelivery of the vessel. Advised charterers on the merits of the owners’ claim and giving guidance on their settlement negotiations with the owners of the vessel on the basis of the merit.

    Representing clients in various arbitrations arising out of contracts of affreightment and bills of lading.

    Acting on unpaid hire/expenses disputes in relation to various offshore support vessels for various owners.

    Acting for owners in relation to an offshore construction project dispute, including unpaid hire and unfinished work issues.

    Negotiating terms for long-term contract of affreightment for off-take shuttle tankers offloading cargoes from UK FPSO.

  • United Kingdom

    Acting for a shipyard in a dispute arising out of the construction of two ultra deepwater drill ships for a US contractor, involving a claim of approximately US$220 million and a counterclaim for the costs of completing the second vessel.  The dispute, in which we were successful in the Court of Appeal, also involved the design responsibilities of the parties under the construction contract.

    Negotiating contracts for construction of two sixth-generation drilling units, including acquisition of hulls & OFE, and completion at UK facility.

    Acting on behalf of Norwegian drilling contractor in successful claim before English High Court in dispute concerning repeated wash-outs caused by down-hole conditions.

    Advised in relation to the design, construction and sale of a series of four semi-submersible drilling rigs; and represented in an arbitration, in which the client claimed liquidated damages of US$179 million alongside a request for repayment of damages of US$22 million.

    Acting for the client in relation to contracts for the construction and delivery of drillships to Angolese buyers, including delays and potential cancellation scenarios. Expected value US$200-300 million.

  • United Kingdom

    Assisted a Korean marine insurer, on the issue of cover under a shipbuilding insurance policy and the reinsurance policy in relation to a claim made by a major shipyard based in Vietnam, whose vessels under construction were damaged by a tropical storm.

    Advice on US$30 million MV "AUTO BANNER" casualty matter by representing insurers in relation to the recovery of claims following fire damage resulting in the total loss of the vessel at Incheon port.

    Advice on US$185 million MV "GLOVIS SPRING" casualty matter, by representing Hyundai Glovis and their insurers on the merits of a substantial salvage claim following the grounding of the vessel in the South China Sea.

    Advising on a claim arising from a collapsed crane on board a vessel which caused damage to project equipment that was in transit to the offshore work site for installation.

  • USA

    Advising on the EPIC contract for a floating production platform/ spar in the Gulf of Mexico.

  • USA

    Long term LNG charters
    Negotiating 20-year and medium term charters for new LNG projects including operations out of Qatar, Yamal, USA, Australia and West Africa, including back-to-back new building terms, JV agreements, related ship management contracts and advice on bidding documents.

    Acting for Owners of two LNG shuttle and re-gasification vessels in London arbitration concerning $50 million+ performance claims under long term time charters.

    Advice to major utility company on LNG shipping arrangements, including drafting of multi-vessel tender documents and advice on structuring in light of IFRS 16 lease accounting rules (2016-2017).

  • Vietnam

    Assisted a Korean marine insurer, on the issue of cover under a shipbuilding insurance policy and the reinsurance policy in relation to a claim made by a major shipyard based in Vietnam, whose vessels under construction were damaged by a tropical storm.  

  • West Africa

    Advised lenders on the financing of a mobile offshore production unit and floating storage unit deployed in Western Africa.

  • West Africa

    Acting on unpaid hire/expenses disputes in relation to various offshore support vessels for various owners.

  • West Africa

    Business interruption claim

    Advised a lead insurer on a business interruption claim of up to £40 million under an energy package policy. The claim related to loss of production at an FPSO operating offshore West Africa.


For more information, please contact us on

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